Family Mission Statement: Part IV

by Mary Ann on June 21, 2010

The Niebergal's - Families really matter

Congratulations on creating your family mission statement! However, in order for it to translate into family culture you must now use it. Here are some ideas for how you can engage with your family mission statement in meaningful ways.

1.     Recite it daily. Determine a time when your family is generally together at the same time. Our family says our mission statement just before bed because that’s when daddy is almost always there with us. When your mission statement is memorized and reviewed daily it will begin to come to mind when you need it most such as during a teaching or a disciplining moment. Lines of our family mission statement often come to me when I feel tempted to speak or act in ways that are contrary to the specific culture that we’re trying to nurture in our home.

2.     Use it to help make big decisions. Is your decision inline with the objectives of your mission statement?

3.     Use it to help regain focus and realignment with the things that matter most to your family.

4.     Use it to guide your family educational plan. The specific values that your mission statement mentions such as money management, entrepreneurialism, freedom, honesty, or service can all inform your educational opportunities, ideas and materials.

5.     Have fun with it. Have your children create artwork or collages that reflect your final mission statement. Display this art in a prominent place in your home. Develop a family cheer, motto, flag, or t-shirt inspired by your mission statement.

6.     Develop a family VISION. A family Vision is essentially the why of your family mission in story form. Your family Vision is what motivates each family member to care about doing the things that the family mission statement describes. Nicholeen Peck beautifully describes the power of a family Vision and how to use it most effectively in her fabulous book A House United: Changing Children’s Hearts and Behaviors by Teaching Self-Government.

To create your family Vision, start with the backdrop of a deep family tradition, like Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or something that holds a powerful sense of connection and meaning for your family. Close your eyes and in your mind see your family engaging in that tradition 20 years from now. What will it smell like, sound like, what will the tastes be? Who will be there and what will they be doing? How will it feel to be together, and how will people be treating each other? Develop a story with as many details as possible, just as if you were creating a bedtime story for a child. Develop this story so that it describes why the accomplishment of the family mission statement is so important; it will be what allows this story to come to pass 20 years from now.

Share this story with your family and allow them to add more details that are meaningful to them. Then allow this story to become part of your family story. Tell it often; driving in the car, at bedtime, when someone is sad or struggling, etc. The more you tell the story the more they will care about the mission statement, and the more the words of the mission statement will be written on the hearts of your children.

Using your mission statement, and telling its story is what turns words on paper into the culture of your home. This is your family’s Core Curriculum and will help you lay the foundation for a great life.

To turn your family mission statement into a beautiful work of art, we recommend Signs for Your Times Great quality, great price!

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Amy July 7, 2010 at 11:44 pm

This was so helpful. Thank you very much.


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