In recent weeks, as we have finished up the pilot, I have been reviewing the surveys the participants took. A couple of things seem important to address.
1. “I think I was on about lesson 5 before I really understood what the Spark Station is.” Right up front I say “So what is the definition of the Spark Station? Simply put, it is a space where parents have put items that they think will inspire their children to further exploration and learning.”
Hmmmm, not enough I guess. So let me say it differently. The Spark Station is a tool you can create. It can be an actual closet space or it can be a box, a dresser or any other place you can put interesting items to inspire your children. It is not the same as a storage space where you keep all of your learning materials and craft items. Its purpose is to create a time and place when your children will be exposed to new and interesting ideas that will help them love learning. It is managed in a specific way to create a sense of anticipation for your children.
2. “It would be really helpful to see some pictures of Spark Stations so I can get an idea of what we are talking about.” That is a good idea. The blog is sprinkled with all kinds of Spark Station pictures but I will put them all here in one place. I will also add some pictures of places we have educational items that are not our Spark Station, to give you an idea of the different educational spaces you may have in your home.
I think an advantage of this is that you will get a very clear idea that just about anything can work as a Spark Station. Where it is, is not the most important thing, as long as it is within easy reach of where you have your structured family learning time.
Also you will see the varied contents of each persons Spark Station. What you put in it is also not the most important thing.
I won’t go into it at length but it bears repeating, the most important thing about the Spark Station are the Five Rules of Engagement. If you want real success then learn what they are and begin practicing them!

Palmer’s first Spark Station. The kids are growing up and now they use a free standing Spark Station

The Garrett’s “after” Spark Station where they have “lots of fun” and the Garrett’s Spark Station before she learned how to make it work

The R. Jones Spark Station before she learned how to make it work and her second try. She needed to change her containers. Children need to see content and there needs to be color.
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