old lady playing bridge picture

Playing Bridge

I have a friend who is 89. She is spy, plays bridge and looks great. I was helping her one day and I noticed that she was working on a roll of packing tape for about 10 minutes. I finally asked her, “Do you need some help”? She replied that she had been trying to get the roll of tape to work for over two weeks. She could see and feel where it began but she just couldn’t get the end to come up so she could use it. It was frustrating.

She handed me the tape and I saw the problem immediately. There was a wrinkle in the tape and for two weeks she had been trying to pull the wrinkle up. It looked like the end of the roll and it felt like the end of the roll. But it wasn’t the end of the roll. The end was about ½ inch father along the roll. In just a few seconds I was able to get the tape loose and she was on her way. After two weeks of frustration and work she had her package ready to mail in a few minutes.

That is what happens to us so many times. We know we need to work something out. We give it time, we are persistent, we do our best and then we are frustrated because we do not get the results we are looking for. Sometimes all we need is someone with a new view to show us how to move forward.

I can see what you may not be able to see.

I want to help you have more clarity in your view! So I have created a full-day workshop coming up on June 23 in Salt Lake City. Go here to see all the details.

I want to give away some tickets to this event because I think you would have a wonderful time playing in my sandbox!

family playing in sandbox picture

Come play in my sandbox for a day!

Most of you are reading this today because you have had the Closet introduced to you in one way or another. However, I get emails and many of you start out with a bang but somehow you just seem to stop and others never get started at all. Most of you really want an “inspire not require” space in your home but you just haven’t been able to make it work.

I want to help you make it work!

I want you to have a really wonderful “inspire not require” space in your home. Hence this amazing all day workshop to help you create your own Love of Learning Closet so your kids BEG for school. This is a high caliber workshop designed to give you some hands on experience with creating your own Love of Learning Closet. (Value $97)

  • You will work together with other parents to design a Closet and then learn how to take those Closet contents and turn them into weeks and yes, even months of inspired learning.
  • You will gain some expertise at finding, storing, and then implementing fabulous learning ideas in 30 minutes or less a week.
  • You will also learn the #1 secret to truly connecting with your children in a way that makes being with them truly magical.

Being a home school parent is a wonderful and sometimes frightening occupation.

As a parent I know that you have probably done more than your share of serious contemplation over the job you have taken on. As a homeschooling parent I know that you have added to the original job. I applaud your efforts whatever they have been. I home schooled some of my children and public and private schooled others. I have seen it from all sides. It can be exhilarating, discouraging and sometimes even frightening.

I can’t solve all of your parenting concerns or your educational ones. But I do understand children and I am pretty adept at inspire and not require. I like being with children and find them fascinating to talk to. This wasn’t always the case.

I would love to have you join me for a day of learning a few new tools that will help you have more peace and joy in the experience that you are having as a parent. I would like to help you get a better handle on inspire, not require. I would like to take you out to play in my sandbox for one day. : )

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Become a Love of Learning expert

Here is what I want you to take home after a day with me:

  • I want you to be on your way to becoming an EXPERT on inspiring your kids!
  • I want you to have a Love of Learning Center in YOUR home!
  • I want you to have more confidence in your abilities and sweeter relationships!
  • I want you to learn the #1 thing that can transform your home!

I have quite a number of you who have already signed up to come and play for a day and invite the rest of you to join us. We are going to have a GOOD time together and get some powerful tools to help you make your family more of what you want it to be.

Here is what you do to win a ticket to come and play in my sandbox!

  • First, put your name in the comment box below and let me know that you were here.
  • Second comment about a fun experience that you have had in your home school, a spark you have seen and how you responded or didn’t, a fun practice that you have in your home school or any other thing you would like to share with me.

That’s it. Thats all you have to do. Those who  comment here will go into a drawing. Your chances are really good because I am going to give away at least 5 couples tickets! WOW! The winners will be announced on June 17. So don’t wait. I am not looking for writers, just parents who want to play in my world for a day. : ) [email protected]

PS If you don’t win a ticket check out the calendar  for registration information or visit here.

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6 Tips for Talking to your Kids

by Mary Ann on June 8, 2012

boy with goggles picture

Austin, age 6

Austin and I have a GREAT relationship. He likes me and I like him. Austin is six.

Austin’s mom always comments on what great conversations we have. Part of the reason for that is that I work at keeping the conversation going. I want to talk with Austin and I want to know what he thinks and feels about what is going on in his life. I want to know Austin better.

That is what makes me a great conversationalist with kids of all ages. I want to know them. I want to know what they think. I want to know how they feel.

How to keep the conversation going with kids:

A conversation goes much farther with a child when we do not impart our own judgments or opinions. There is great value in focusing on a child’s feelings or reactions in any given situation rather than sharing what we think or feel. When we can listen without judgment it helps kid’s process their emotions.

Baby Shoes picture

Baby shoes are cute!

I have to laugh when I think of a conversation that a blogger I really like shared. She was riding in the car with her teen aged daughter and it went something like this:

“I don’t think I should have a baby now.”
“Is this a consideration?”
” I thought about it, but now I’ve realized something.”
“What’s that?”
“I only really want to buy lots of cute little baby shoes.”
“Oh, that’s very different from having a real baby.”
“Yeah that’s what I think too.”

Benefits of listening to kids without judgement:

When this mom listened calmly, without judgment or sharing her own opinion she found out what was really going on. It was all about cute baby shoes and not sex. She learned something about her daughter. The conversation lasted long enough to know what her daughter was really thinking.

Here is another example of listening without judgment or opinion.

kid swinging picture

No one like to be pushed off the swing

“Mom, I don’t like David.”
“Hmm, why not?”
“He is dumb.”
“What happened to make you think that?”
“He pushed me off the swing.”
“Oh really? How was that for you?”
“Not good! I really wanted to swing and it hurt my leg.”
“You didn’t get to swing.”
“No, and that wasn’t nice!”
“ You got hurt?”
“Yeah! I would never do that to someone!”


Here are some really good tips for having a conversation with a child or young person.

  • Ask open ended questions. “How did that work out? How do you feel about that? What do you think you can do? How was that for you?
  • Don’t offer your opinion.
  • Give fewer judgments.
  • Say fewer words.
  • Help kids find their own feelings about their experiences.
  • Rather than tell, ask.

These tips will help your child develop emotional awareness and a strong inner compass. This will help them in choosing their behavior even when no one is there to evaluate and give them feedback.

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Summer Music Camp in Utah

by Mary Ann on June 4, 2012


This music camp looked like it would be so much fun and I wanted all of you in Utah to know about it. Check it out!

Summer Strings Adventure Camp

What are you all doing this summer? I am going to a reunion, visiting grand kids and doing a lot of sitting in the shade reading. : )

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family going for walk picture

The "walkers"

My daughter just had her fourth baby and suffered some pretty significant post partum depression. So to combat the effects of that problem she decided to exercise by taking a sustained kids in the morning.

She has four children so how do you think that went?

Let me share a walk I took with them last week. Jack and Mary took off running! This will be a fast walk I thought.

Soon they reached our neighbors home with a ramp. It was up the ramp and down the ramp at a full run. Then it was up the ramp and down the ramp rolling over and over again. Good thing we are friends with this neighbor.

Next was the cement retaining wall. It had to be climbed on and then carefully followed by little feet. If anyone fell off they felt they had to go back to the beginning and start again.

Next was the yard with all the kids. Stop and chat. Let’s see what they are doing. Let’s join in!

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Kid's Walk - slow and interesting

And dogs! Every dog had to be spoken to and if it was a happy dog, petted. EVERY dog! I never realized how many dogs we have in my neighborhood!

And then there were the treasures. Every walk is all about the treasures that have to be picked up examined and then stowed in the stroller to be carried home; stones, sticks, leaves, torn paper cups, etc.

findings during kids walk picture

A kids walk is about discovery and going SLOW!

About half way around the block Mary’s little legs began to wear out. Remember they have covered the first half at a full run (disregarding all the stops). So it was into the stroller. The key to knowing when she wanted in the stroller was the phrase, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!

Then we would press on for about 2 minutes (I do not exaggerate here) and then she would need to get out to see something or to run. The key phrase to know when she needed to get out was a clear STOP, STOP, STOP!

Did you get the timing on this little exercise that lasted for the second half of our walk? Into the stroller for 2 minutes or less. Out of the stroller for two minutes or less. Sigh!

Can you see how frustrating this walk would be to my daughter who really needed some sustained exercise?

She had a couple of obvious choices –

• Don’t take a walk
• Be frustrated and get angry with the kids.

When faced with two choices that are equally bad it’s called the Sucker’s Choice. Don’t pick one of them. There is always a third alternative and you can find it with a little creative problem solving.

A Creative Problem Solving Activity

How can we avoid making the Suckers choice and come up with creative solutions to real and frustrating situations?

• Work on me first. You are likely to benefit by improving your own approach and you are the only person you can really work on anyway.

• Make sure your heart is in the right place and stay focused on the matter at hand.

• Do NOT make the suckers choice. Believe that there is always at least a third choice.

• Determine what it is that you really want to have happen. Ask “What do I really want here.”

• Ask the question “What do I really want for the other person?”

• Then ask this question “What do I really want for the relationship?”

• Finally, ask a very telling question “How would I behave if I really wanted these results?”

• Search for the elusive AND. Present yourself with tougher questions which turn the either/or choice into a search for the elusive AND. Clarify what you want and clarify what you don’t want. Present your brain with a more complex problem by asking the questions posed above.

“When we present our brain with a demanding question, our body sends precious blood to the parts of our brain that help us think, and away from the parts of our body that make us want to fight.” (from Crucial Conversations by Kerry Paterson, Joseph Grenny, ron Mcmillan, Al Switzler) The Sucker’s Choice presents our brain with problems that are easily solved with restricted blood flow. They don’t require creative thought. The Sucker’s Choice keeps us stuck in ineffective strategies.

Now back to the story. How did Jodie solve the situation she was facing?

First she looked at her motives. She did need and want to exercise so she could return to good health and she did not want to be frustrated.

She realized that she did not want to jeopardize the relationship she has with her children by being angry with them for natural, childish behaviors.

She knew that if she really wanted health and to not be angry with her kids then she would need to find a way to help them understand her need for a walk while still allowing them space and time to take a walk the way a child would take a walk. (Her kids are ages 2 mo to 6)

Creative Problem Solving List and Process

So she asked the pivotal questions posed above and set her brain to work to come up with at least a third alternative. She made a list.

  • Get a baby sitter
  • Trade exercise days with another mom who also wanted to exercise with a sustained walk
  • Walk when her husband got home and could watch the children
  • Get up before the children and walk. (They are up at 5:30 sometimes!)

None of these options appealed to her because they were not realistic for her family situation for many reasons.

She kept thinking and here is what she finally came up with – Mom’s Walk and Kid’s Walk.

She told her children all about the two. If it was a Mom’s walk then everyone stayed in the stroller and mom would walk fast. If it was a kid’s walk then everyone could get in and out of the stroller and they would go slow.

This is how it plays out at her home. Every morning is Mom’s walk. And if they walk in the afternoon, which they do at least twice a week, it is kids walk.

Her children have been happy with the arrangement. She is not frustrated and her heath and outlook have improved significantly. Relationships have been strengthened. They experience joy.

moms walk picture

Mom's walk and kid's walk - a solution which creates joy

As you work on recognizing the Suckers Choice and working at creative solutions to your parenting problems don’t expect perfection: aim for progress. When you come up with a solution that succeeds celebrate your success. Take pleasure in knowing that you and your family are improving.

Share your experiences with solving your parenting situations creatively while avoiding the Suckers Choice. I would love to hear about them.

A good kid's walk can lead to a restful afternoon

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