Win Free Tickets To the Salt Lake City TJED Forum

by Mary Ann on March 4, 2011

TJEd Forum images

Guess what? I have three tickets for the Salt Lake City TJED Forum that I want to give away. Yup, that’s right; I want to give them away. So how can you win a ticket?

I want to hear your stories of experiences using any of the Five Rules of Engagement [effective home school teaching strategies] with your family. What struggles have you had implementing them in your life? What is the response in your family when you use them? What are some of the stories you can share about the difference they make?

making tornado in bottle pictures

Allan and Gracie Donaghey making a tornado in a bottle

Implementing the five rules and learning to use them takes practice, practice, practice. It is worth the time and effort because these five little rules can really transform your family, not just educationally, but they can transform the quality of your relationships.

One mom who came to me to learn how to create and use a Spark Station said, “You help to heal homes and relationships. I may walk away from your program and never know anything about the Spark Station but my home is healed.”

Here is how I learned about rule two, Be Present, for the first time.
When my daughter Marie was about three she and I had an experience that opened my eyes to the importance of being present, even for small amounts of

little girl smiling pictures

Marie at 3

time. I was in the middle of a sewing project. I do not love sewing! Worse, this project had a deadline which was fast approaching. Marie kept coming in and bothering me. She asked questions, whined about this and that, asked for food and on and on.

Finally, I was ready to yell, maybe swat! Fortunately for me a thought came into my mind from somewhere outside of myself. I like to think that Heavenly Father was teaching me this principle. The thought was, “Why don’t you just hug her.” So that is what I did. I gathered her up and I gave her a loooong hug and said “I love you”. She went off happy as a clam and interestingly enough, never came back. She just wanted a moment of my presence.

The Five Rules of Engagement are powerful in helping families have the type of feeling and environment that we all wish we had. They are amazing in helping parents love spending time with their children. They help parents to see their children as people and not problems to solve or annoyances. They bring joy.

So share your experiences with how the five rules have helped your family and maybe you will win a ticket to the Forum. I will choose the three top entries. Deadline is midnight March 11.

Submit your entry in the comment section below.

Submission assumes your permission to use your story in printed form or in presentations. All identifying information will be changed at your request.

Here is a great article about children reading together that highlights Rule 1, Structure time and be consistent.

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