Why New Years Resolutions Work Poorly

Mary Ann Johnson
I have been thinking about New Years Resolutions. New Years resolutions are a sure fire way to not changing, for many reasons. You can read what I have learned about making and keeping New Years Resolutions right here. Trust me, this is worth reading! ; )
The Correct Goal is More Important than Many Goals
In 2013, about three months before the New Year, I began contemplating my one BIG goal for 2014. I did a lot of “knee time” to get a handle on the one thing that would help me the most in the New Year, my perfect 1%. I was shocked by what finally came to me but it has proven to be a game changer in my life. Stop complaining. It is still a work in progress and I am keeping it again for 2015. You can read all about that perfect 1% here.
In the fall of this year, 2014, I decided that I wanted to focus on a spiritual goal for the year 2015. I wanted something that would increase my personal relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ and that would give me courage and direction for what I need to do in 2015. I gave it a great deal of thought.
Then in late September I read a small article, meant for youth, about how to have more effective prayer. There wasn’t anything new in it, after all I have been praying and learning about prayer for over 60 years. However, the difference was that I was in a place where I was ready to take my own prayers up a notch. I was ready to “do” something new.
How to Have More Effective Prayers
The article said to make a list before you pray. Yup, actually write stuff down before you pray. Yes, I open my eyes and look at the list as I pray so I don’t forget anything important. This is what the list looks like:
• What I am grateful for this morning
• Thoughts and actions that I need to repent from
• People I should pray for
• My own concerns and desires
This idea sunk deep into my heart and I determined that I would do this every morning. I have prayers at night too but I am usually tired so I do this for my morning prayer.
• The first thing I noticed was that it took some time to ponder and get input from the Spirit as I made this list.
• The second thing I noticed was that the depth of my prayer and the time it took changed. The Spirit is much stronger, I am moved more often and my prayers have gone from a few minutes to…well sometimes, pretty lengthy. I have gone from talking “to” God to talking “with” God. It has become more of a conversation. I talk, I listen, I feel and then He talks to me.
• What I mean by that is the third thing that I have noticed. I get impressions of things that I need to do during the day. Sometimes it is for me, concerning the desires or problems that I have. Sometimes it is something that I need to do or say to someone I prayed for. Now I always have a notebook and pen when I pray so that I can capture my thoughts and then follow through as quickly as possible. The minute the impression comes I write it down, yes, right in the middle of the prayer. : )
The Results of More Effective Prayer
The whole process takes more time. I have had to get up a bit earlier. But the results have been quite remarkable. Here is what I have experienced:
• I have more peace even when a day gets out of my control
• I have so many more impressions for my own life that make the day flow well. Turn here, don’t do that, why not do this, try this….and on and on. It has been very remarkable. I think what has actually changed is my ability to hear. I have probably always had this many impressions to help me in my day but I haven’t heard them. Now the time I spend in reflection and prayer in the morning seems to have opened my “spiritual” ears.
• As I follow these impressions my day goes better. My results are increased. I feel supported and, frankly, deeply loved.
I hope that there is something here that will sink deeply into your heart and that you will move into the New Year with something to “do” that will change your life. I love you all very much.
Mary Ann
PS If you have a terrific plan for the new year, if you have a spiritual goal or a kindness goal, or any goal for that matter, why not share it with us so that we can all be edified and grow together.
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Here is what I do. I take three deep breaths before I pray. One from Mother Earth I hold that energy in my heart, Then Exhale. Then inhale receiving energy from Father Sky and I exhale, then I’ll bring energy from both and hold in my heart. then I begin my prayer.
If I can I build an emotional experance with my prayer. This difficult to explain (see Craig Branden books). Another great book is “Radital Forgiveness” by Carl Tippens.
Teach only love,