Family at Thanksgiving
In two months I will be sixty three years old. I contemplate that and I am amazed and astonished. It makes me smile with pure joy. Can you even imagine such a thing; to live for over sixty years? What an amazing thing to accomplish!
Today is Thanksgiving. It is a stellar day! My sweet husband is hovering around me like a moth, giving me little kisses, hugs and small touches as I make the traditional 10 pies. Yes 10. There must be 3 pumpkin, 2 cherry, 2 apple and 1 lemon meringue. And with the addition of Doug and Brady to the family we have added 1 chocolate cream and 1 pecan.


Kash and Marie
As I bake I think about all the past Thanksgiving days raising seven children and realize that this year is decidedly different. Past days were about family being together, having enough food, laughing and feeding pie to the neighbor kids and those brought home from college. This year there is a new feel. That is why my husband is kissing me and hovering around. We are both feeling the magnitude of what we have created in our combined sixty plus years.
When we married we were 21 and 22 years old; fresh, innocent, foolish, full of wonder at each other and the possibilities of life. At sixty we are no longer fresh, innocent and hopefully not as foolish, but I think we are still full of wonder at each other and the possibilities of our life together.

Forty one years and counting!
Can you imagine how it will feel for us this year as we sit down with our family? We will look over our seven children and see wonderful, well adjusted, kind, loyal and intelligent adults. Sitting by them will be a bevy of spouses, sons and daughters added to our quiver of children, happy is the man who has his quiver full of children!

Doug and Jodie

Then sitting a midst those beautiful people will be ten of our twelve grandchildren. They are all still fresh, innocent and full of the wonder at the possibilities of their lives. They are young, only one has passed eighteen.

Andrew and Kendra

Barry and Abi
When Don and I are seventy plus, just a mere six years from now some great grandchildren will most assuredly have been added. Can’t you just imagine how that feels? We are filling the world with beauty and loyalty and kindness, it is our greatest achievement and this year we are seeing it clearly, through older eyes and we can barely contain the joy of it all.

Kate and Brady

Family, it is the height of what we create in this world, the only truly enduring thing. That which should consume our most treasured hours. As I eat these pies this year they will be sweeter than ever before. I am content!, and I thank Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that I have been so richly blessed in all my days.

Parker, Aubrey, Lizzy, Ashley

Jack, Maggie, Mary



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A beautiful summery of what thanksgiving is truly about! Congratulations on your stunning family 🙂