Sample Family Mission Statements

by Mary Ann on September 3, 2010

As we think about the Foundational Phases of learning (core and love of learning) it’s important to “remember that during these phases, children learn more by what we are and the environment and feelings that surround them than through the explicit teachings or activities we provide” (DeMille, Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning, 2008, 41).

If this is true, ask yourself, “how do we, as a family, consciously develop who we are and the environment and feelings that make up our home? What are we doing to consciously articulate the ‘curriculum’ of the Core development of our family?”

A family mission statement is this articulation of your families Core Curriculum.

A family mission statement becomes part of our family cannon and the inspiration of our family culture. In other words, it is what helps us consciously design the environment and feelings in our home that directly influence both the Core development of our children and the effectiveness of their later academic learning.

It will be helpful to re-read the wonderful posts by my guest blogger Jodie Palmer for detailed information on how to write a family mission statement.

Here are some samples for those that just some want inspiration.


Dots Happy Family

Habits of Our Home
We obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
We love, honor and pray for each other.
We tell the truth.
We consider one another’s interest ahead of our own.
We do not hurt each other with unkind words or deeds.
We speak quietly and respectfully to one another.
When someone is sorry, we forgive him.
When someone is happy, we rejoice with him.
When someone is sad, we comfort him.
When someone needs correction, we correct him in love.
When we have something nice to share, we share it.
We take good care of everything God has given us.
We do not create unnecessary work for others.
When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.
When we open something, we close it.
When we turn something on, we turn it off.
When we don’t know what to do, we ask.
When we take something out, we put it away.
When we make a mess, we clean it up.
We arrive on time.
We do what we say.
We finish what we start.
We say please and thank you.
When we go out, we act as if we are in this house.
When necessary, we accept discipline and instruction.


Our Family Mission

To encourage others to become like Christ through loving relationships,
healthy lifestyles, and stimulating experiences.


Child’s Mission Statement


The Olsen Family Mission Statement

·  We love and obey God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

·  We celebrate our family’s faith, heritage, and traditions.

·  We show our love for one another in word and deed; we pray for each other; we are

courteous, caring, positive, supportive, and considerate.

·  We live a healthy lifestyle, and maintain order and cleanliness in the home.

·  We raise up children in the way they should go; making learning together an integral

part of daily life with books and enriching experiences.

·  We optimize the competing forces in our lives for good: health, wealth, aesthetics, rest,

exercise, recreation, work, skills, and knowledge.

·  We enjoy life today and live it fully; we accept the wonderful gifts from God:

forgiveness of sins and eternal life through the sacrifice of His Son.

·  We are wise in the way we use our time, talents, and money; we establish good habits,

help others, and teach them the truth of God’s salvation.

·  We contribute something of worth to the community; maintain the environment, mankind’s institutions, and religious, political, cultural, social, and individual freedoms, all to glorify God.

More examples coming in the next post,Family mission statement-more examples.

Dots Happy Family,Image Courtesy to Nick and Miriam Family blog

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