Preparing to become a Father:A few tips

by Mary Ann on June 21, 2011


smiling couple pics

Kate and Brady Houston

It’s still hard to believe that I’m finally at a point in my life where becoming a father is an imminent reality.  My wife, Kate, and I have had many conversations during this first year of our marriage about parenting, and I have often thought about how I can prepare to become a father. All those parents out there are surely scoffing, “Preparation?  No such thing.”  I am the first to cede that no amount of planning can truly prepare me to be a dad, but I have learned a very valuable lesson during this first year of marriage that I believe will greatly help my wife and I.

Kate and I went to dinner with my parents a few months ago, and we asked them about their preparation.  Among the answers they gave us was a comment my mom made to me, which I hope to never forget,  “Take care of your wife, and she will take care of your kids.”  With that simple phrase, my mother taught me that first and foremost, I need to make sure my wife feels loved and appreciated, and she in turn will nurture our children.

newly wed couples images

Newlyweds in 2010

Since then, I have redoubled my efforts to make my wife feel like she is special to me by doing things like:

  • planning weekly
  • meaningful dates
  • voicing my appreciation for her
  • serving her in whatever ways I can

I hope that learning to take care of my wife’s needs now will allow me to continue when we have children, and that by so doing my children may receive the nurturing that they need.

Brady Houston is married to Kate Johnson Houston and just celebrated his first anniversary by sweeping his wife off to San Diego in the middle of the night for a few quiet days of fun and sun. He is a Senior at the University of Utah in bio-engineering. He likes reading, exercise and watching movies with his wife.

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"Practicing" with their niece Mary

Now a few comments from the mother-in-law. : )


  • This young husband is wise for thinking ahead about the prospect of parenting and particularly fathering
  • He asked advice from those who have gone where he is going to go
  • He and his wife are jointly making plans
  • He has implemented some of the good advice he received

I think that he has a good chance of being a GREAT dad!

Why not take a look at what to do on a personal family retreat. It is a time when you can make plans as a couple for future growth.

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