Learning is Fun

by Mary Ann on July 25, 2014




master-logo-1Have you ever wished you could go to one place and find free information, as well as classes, on topics ranging from reading the classics, home school matters of all kinds, personal development, adult education topics, financial education, health and fitness of all kinds, arts and entertainment? I have. I have often thought that there ought to be a place where I could go and learn about lots of teachers and mentors who are good at what I would like to be good at. I have found that place – Wisdom Window. This is a terrific new platform for teachers and mentors where you can go and see what they teach, what they have to offer you. There are free classes, downloads, audios and more , as well as books, classes and mentoring you can purchase.

It is just a fun place to look around. I recently got a few “Windows” of my own and did a fun interview with my good friend Heidi Totten. I think you might enjoy some of the insights I shared.

I want to make a visit to Wisdom Window really worthwhile for you. So when you get there go to the Rockin Spark Station Idea Packet window and pick up your free copy of the family fun connection packet called Magnify It (on your top right). It’s 20 pages of great stuff for your family to do together to learn all about how magnification works. You’re going to love it! You can also purchase a second packet called Summer Camp at Home for $4.00. Just use the code summer. Have a great time connecting with your kids!

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