Expressing gratitude

by Mary Ann on November 24, 2010

expressing gratitude picture

When I had seven children I had a green car that the kids dubbed “The Turbo Pickle”. It had a number of dents. It was pretty old. When we drove around a corner someone had to hold the door or it would fly open. My teenagers made me let them out a block from school. I felt real joy in owning that car. It was such a blessing to us and my life felt very abundant because we had it. I like to think that at that time in my life I lived the words of Frank A. Clark. “If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”

I was able to feel this abundance because I had gone on a quest to find prosperity. I had read about it in the scriptures and I understood that it was a gift of the heart, not a manifestation that came from outward circumstances. I had prayed for that gift and I had received it. It made some very lean years feel abundant and comfortable.

Some things are an inside job – prosperity, happiness, peace and gratitude, to name a few. They happen in the heart and are not ruled by what happens in life; these gifts of the heart make life wonderful and worth living. We have to want them and then we have to ask for them. If we do and we are sincere, this magnificent change of heart does come and we see with new eyes.

Lately, I have been seeking a greater sense of gratitude. I have been asking for this gift of the heart and I have been reading and practicing expressing gratitude. I want gratitude to be a more natural part of who I am.

Recently I read about two women who have emailed each other almost every morning for a few years to tell one another three things they are grateful for. One commented that it really set the tone for the day. I liked that idea a lot.

I decided to find at least one other person who wanted the support of an attitude of gratitude in their effort to move forward in life. Then I determined to start a new, personal tradition with them, of expressing gratitude every day first thing in the morning.

Gratitude dispels fear. It can lessen sorrow, worry, depression, anger, and loss. I think that this quote is really true, “There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed.  If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude.”  Robert Brault

thank you picture

1. I am immeasurably grateful for the many families who are working with me on the pilot program. These new friendships are a blessing to me.

2. I am grateful for seven remarkable children who grew into amazing adults despite the inadequacies of their parents.

3. I am grateful for a mission in life and for the challenges that it brings to me. Because of them I am growing.

I won’t be writing again until Monday. I am taking the remainder of the week to visit, bake, eat and rest. I hope you can do the same. Happy Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.  No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.  ~H.U. Westermayer
pilgrims thanks giving picture

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Kimberly November 29, 2010 at 11:56 pm

Your gratitudes touched me deeply. Especially #2. Thank you for this post and your supportive work!


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