A Family Mission Statement: Part 1

by Mary Ann on June 13, 2010

Sometimes, as a parent, we’re handed opportunities for self-evaluation on a sliver platter. I was handed such a dish the other day when I caught my two-year old son marching around the living room chanting, “Stop that! Now I have to take that away. Stop that! Now I have to take that away.” Good grief!

I’m happy to contrast that little ditty with something he was muttering in my ear a few nights ago as I was putting him to sleep. “Daddy loves you, daddy loves you, daddy loves you.”

It’s a bit overwhelming to think about how innocent my son is in his learning, how he soaks up everything that happens around him, and how real the Core Phase of learning is.

In those two little exchanges my son confirmed to me how important it is that I not take lightly the obligation I have as a parent to lay a right and solid foundation for him to build the rest of his life on.

As we think about the core and love of learning phases it’s important to remember that children learn more by what we are and the environment and feelings that surround them than through what we are trying to teach through activities.

If this is true, ask yourself, “how do we, as a family, consciously develop who we are and the environment and feelings that make up our home? What are we doing to consciously articulate the ‘curriculum’ of the Core development of our family?”

A family mission statement is this articulation of your families Core Curriculum.

A family mission statement becomes part of our family cannon and the inspiration of our family culture. In other words, it is what helps us consciously design the environment and feelings in our home that directly influence both the Core development of our children and the effectiveness of their later academic learning.

A Family Mission Statement breathes life into, or inspires our family culture.

There is another important element that a family mission statement brings to the table.

I’ve interviewed a number of families who said, “I’m not sure how much we really need a mission statement. It seems that the culture of our family is pretty good. We don’t have a formal, articulated mission statement, but we talk about the things that might be in a statement a lot.”

This is a model that works for many families. However, consider the specific model you are using to train your children in developing, managing, and leading their own families.

For these parents I interviewed, they were clear on the things they were teaching regularly to their children, which were influencing their family culture. But, were they also teaching their children how to do that in their own homes? Are their children even aware that there is a model to follow? Are they aware of the idea of culture, it’s purposeful creation, and the impact it has on the family?

A Family Mission Statement is not only an articulation of your family’s Core Curriculum; it’s also a specific model of training for good family development, management and leadership.

Through the course of the next few blog posts, I’ll be taking you through a number of exercises to help your family create your own inspiring family mission statement.

Assignment  #1: Begin by evaluating your family’s current culture. Consider the daily environment and feelings in your home. Talk to your spouse about it. Is your family environment, feelings, and culture such that they will inspire, or give life to a great Core Phase? Now, try a brainstorming exercise by asking yourself: what are the core things I want my child to do or know? Put your list somewhere so that you can add to it when things come to your mind.

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mom2three July 7, 2010 at 8:06 pm

I came across your site about a week ago and have been going thru your post from the beginning. Your content is well thought out and informative. I am learning so much that I know will have a positive impact on myself and my young family. Thank you for your work!


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