Creating a Magical Learning Space for Kids

by Mary Ann on April 30, 2010

Did you experience a magical place in your childhood that just thinking about it now makes you excited? I had one. It was at my grandma’s house. My grandmother taught first grade for over thirty years. I loved going to her home. She had a closet, a cupboard really, that I couldn’t wait to open.


It was filled with pencils, pens, crayons, scissors and paper of every kind and description. Some were large sheets of newsprint, or long rolls which made fabulous banners. Some was the grade school type with extra wide spaces for beginning printers. There would be colored paper and lined paper, as well as stationary. Some papers were folded and stapled into books. These always lured me the most. They held the possibility of the next best selling novel of  The Land of Oz or another sketch book just as wonderful as those done by John Muir. There was the possibility of a journal made famous by its rich contents or the beautiful art work so strategically placed in its pages. Often these wonderful plans were discarded after a few days, weeks or months but the love of writing and drawing remained. The possibility of doing something important still lay in the heart waiting for a time to begin to grow. Hers was a cupboard of possibilities.


My grandmother’s cupboard was a perfect example of a powerful tool of inspiring—The Spark Station.  The Spark Station helps families inspire their children to love learning and exploring. It is a must for parents who home school or for those who want their public or private school children to thrive.

One of the keys of leadership education is to inspire within a child a sense of wonder, excitement and possibility, in other words, a love of learning. When this sense of wonder and possibility become the norm for a child their learning thrives. The Spark Station is a core tool in inspiring this sort of magical learning environment.

This blog is dedicated to supporting parents as they work to develop magical and wondrous learning spaces and experiences designed to inspire their children to love learning.

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