Don and I and four of our 11 grandchildren
People tell me all the time, “Your grandkids are so lucky. I wish my parents were like you.” I just roll my eyes because I know the truth.
The truth about being a grandparent!
What is the truth?
• I love my grandchildren passionately.
• I get tired easily when I have the grandkids.
• I don’t always know what to do with them.
• When they are far away I don’t always contact them regularly.
• I need help so I don’t rely on technology, candy or paid events.

My son Seth's son - Kane
Being a grandparent is just about the best thing that has ever happened to me but I am 62. I am no longer 31 and these children do not live with me 24/7 and I don’t know what every baby word means, what their crying means…… That’s what moms and dads know.

My daughter Marie's children - Lizzy, Kash, Ashley, Aubrey and Parker Booth

Marie's new addition - Matilda Kate
How to be the best grandparent ever!
So what are the things I do with grandchildren, so that people think I am the best grandmother ever? I get help!
• I have a set time to visit those children who live close. Then I get it done.
• I use a Traveling Closet so that when I am there I know what to do.
• I write Closet Letters to those who are far away. Even if I only send 3-4 a year they think it is wonderful.
• When I babysit at my home or theirs mom leaves me a list!!

My daughter Jodie's children - Maggie, Jodie, Mary, Jack and #4 due in a few weeks!

Doug and Jodie's oldest, and my oldest grandchild, Michael.
The “What to do with Grandkids” List
What is on the list you want to know? Well, I watched them in their home for about 5 hours last week. Here is the list:
- A deep bath (this means fill the tub, watch vigilantly and splash the bathroom mercilessly. Fun!!)
- Breakfast
- Family Prayer
- Get Dressed (two are potty training so this happened all day long!)
- Brush teeth
- Make beds, hang pj’s, fold towels (this is called Family Work). By the way the list so far took from 7am-9am. Two hours down. : )
- Traveling Closet – it contained slates and chalk, books, and cake mix (baking the cake took until 10am. Three hours down.
- Book on tape while rolling on floor
- Snack
- Watching Charlie and Lola (my favorite!) Whoa its time for me to go and the list wasn’t done! Here is what was left.
- Go outside
- Make a fort in Maggie’s bed
- Play in the tent on Jack’s bed
- Vacuum (they love taking turns pushing the vacuum)
- Read
- Put on the music CD and dance and sing
- Play dress up
- Play on the mini piano’s
- Paint
- See what is in their Closet
My daughter made this list for me and it was stuck to the refrigerator. It made my job so much easier. If you want your mom and dad to be the best grandparent ever then ask them to take the kids occasionally and give them a long list of what they can do. Send them the blog about Closet Letters and inspire them. Show them you’re Closet and tell them about the Traveling Closet. This would help grandparents to better understand their role with their grandchildren.
Most of all remember that when we know what to do we do a better job. Then we don’t need to rely on TV, movies, theme parks, etc. So help them out!
PS I took lots of fabulous pictures with my youngest daughter’s camera but they are stuck there! No one can get them off. You can’t email them, you can only send them to somewhere on the internet but gosh…we just don’t know where!!
If you or your parents need some help having some great ideas for the Closet, the Traveling Closet or Closet Letters then maybe the Rockin Closet Subscription Packet is for you. Check it out!
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Thank you so much for writing a practical easy to understand list. I think many Grandparents feel overwhelmed. It’s such a wonderful service you provide, clarifying basic how to’s. What a life full of joy you have created with your beautiful extended family. Thanks for giving me something to aspire to. 🙂
: ) Experience is a marvelous teacher! Being a grandparent makes it all worthwhile. I love it!!!