Teaching kids about Florida – A Response

by Mary Ann on February 20, 2012

kid in french barrett picture

Owen Spencer wearing his French barrett

Some time ago I received an email from a mom who was taking her family to Florida. She was having some trouble coming up with ideas for her Spark Station that would introduce her children to the state they were going to visit. So she asked for help. I shared just a smidgin of what I sent to her on a blog called “Fun ways to learn about Florida for Kids”.

The very next day she emailed back and confirmed what I have taught in my classes for two years. When you step out and start, resources (thoughts) show up.

The Spark Station is a magical tool which can help you help your children love learning and love being together as a family. But it can’t do its job unless you do yours – start. So if you have been reading this blog for a while, if you have taken the Spark Station Mastery course, or have attended a presentation and still do not have a working Spark Station – then start. Start tomorrow with what you have. Start despite any fears or worries. Just start. When you start everything that you need will begin to show up! Your children will love it no matter how bumpy the beginning is. JUST START AND RESOURCES WILL SHOW UP!

I want you to see what happens when you just start even if you are scared, don’t know anything or are afraid so I am sharing Leah’s email with you – with her permission : )

kids being Vikings at Epcot

Being Vikings in Norway at Epcot

“I emailed you during some feelings of doubt in my efforts and frustration (you may have been able to tell). My 9 year old, Miles, was looking over my shoulder reading my email to you, so I was a little embarrassed that he may have seen it. I tell you that because I wanted to start TODAY with Florida stuff. So I did just that…just stared…..started with a map.

[We did some] labeling, tracing, and coloring. We traveled from Utah on the map state by state. We looked at all of the states we will fly over and talked about what we might see out the window.

Then we got into the explorer Ponce de Leon for a while and are getting more info on him and his explorations. We talked about the American Revolution and how Florida was under Spanish rule.

kids dancing picture

Ella and Miles dancing in a German restaurant

Then we got to the Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys; now we are studying bridges, how they are constructed and even building a bridge for the hot wheels out of Popsicle sticks. [That] got us [talking about how] cars came about because the original bridge wasn’t necessarily designed for automobiles. What was it like to live without cars, when in history did they start to have cars. Then we went into boats and how they cross these bridges. We built a bridge out of Unifix cubes and tried at dinner to use our spoons and forks to understand just how they could anchor pillars or the like into the ocean to sustain a seven mile long bridge!

Then we got into how long seven miles is and the running race they have on that bridge every year. I could go on and on, ALL in ONE day. And we could have done more.

kid with president epcot picture

Payton and his favorite president – Epcot

I was exhausted though and ran out of time! : ) Now I have so much more to go on thanks to you. The kids are thrilled [and say that] it makes “a lot more sense when they know more about the place they are going.” We are leaving [in] Jan. – I am thinking we aren’t going to have enough time to get thru all this by then! 🙂

Thank you thank you for you quick response. I do have a lot of faith in you and always will!


Leah and her family have returned from their trip to Florida. It was AMAZING!! One of the things that made it so amazing was using the Spark Station to plan ahead and teach her boys. It got them very excited and created great anticipation, which is what the Spark Station is for!! Having a Master Inspire Plan can help you do this on a regular basis. Watch for her blog about what actually happened on their trip to Florida.

Do you want to become a SPARKS expert like Leah? The Spark Station Course will teach you how to recognize sparks and how to respond to them.

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