Five useful tips to teach preschoolers

by Mary Ann on February 4, 2011

18 month old pictures

Need some preschool ideas?

Preschool children are wonderful!! They are funny and smart. They say the darndest things and taking the time to listen to them can really make your day. Here are some tips that will help parents teach preschoolers.

  1. Have your children help you with everyday tasks and talk to them about what you are doing. e.g. when washing, cooking or gardening. Small children are anxious to “help” and they learn best by ‘playing’ at whatever you are doing. Anything in their every day life makes a lesson for a preschooler. While you are letting your child help you take a few moments from your work and be present with them. We all get involved in getting the job done but if you can look down at them, speak directly to them and watch their learning take place you will enjoy the work so much more. It may take you longer to make the bed but it will surely give you more satisfaction.

    child with hose pictures

    Everyday tasks make great preschool activities

  2. A good preschool lesson or two can be found while driving in the car. When you are in the car, talk about the things you see as you drive along. Read the road signs, point out land marks, look for letters of the alphabet, find colors, help them get the lay of the land.  Turn off the radio and be present. This will also make a big dent in fighting and whining.

    kids in car pictures

    Teach preschoolers while in the car

  3. Ask your children questions about what they are doing when playing. Join in your preschoolers activites. You being with them will be a gift to both of you.

    father and baby pictures

    Give your time and play with your preschooler

  4. Answer your children’s questions. When they ask a question you know they are trying to understand something, and answering it will help them build their concepts of how the world works. It is also a sign that they are seeking your presence. Stopping what you are doing and answer the question, while speaking directly to them, can give your child a deep sense of being loved and cared about. Grandparents do this naturally but parents can learn! : )

    You can learn to listen and talk with your preschooler like a grandparent : )

  5. Speak to your children in full sentences. Knowing sentence structure is important for understanding how language works. Children who only hear one or two word answers learn to speak that way, and will often have difficulty communicating with others. One and two word sentences usually happen because our mind is still on the task at hand and not on the child or their question.

    Be "present" and enjoy your child more

The most important thing of all is to enjoy being with your children. I know that is not always easy, and there will be many trying times with them as they grow up, but just a few moments of positive conversation and your undivided presence can make all the difference.

You might want to tell your preschooler about interesting people like  Teddy Roosevelt.

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