The Thick of Thin Things

by Mary Ann on May 7, 2010

The Palmers

I got a call from one of the mom’s that I have coached. She has three children and has been having structured family learning time and using her Spark Station to inspire her children.  I helped her get started and she has been doing a fine job and her children have been very happy with “school” and mom.

Her call was very interesting. She wanted to share a problem that she has encountered and her solution. I bet that some of the rest of you are struggling with the same thing. She is having a hard time staying committed to a structured family learning time. During that time the phone rings and she just has to answer – it might be important! Also, the computer has a siren song for her. The kids will be playing and using the contents of The Spark Station and she will just step over to glance at the computer screen. What harm can it do, right!

As this mom put it to me, “during school time it is a tool of Satan!” Pretty strong words! That tells you the level of frustration that this mom feels at her willingness to let the unimportant intrude on the important. Don’t we all feel just like that? There is so much pressing in on our lives and to take out 2-3 hours just to be with our children, as much as we love them, is really hard.

Mary and Maggie

This mom wants to create a culture of family solidarity and learning in her home. She does want to continue her own education and model that for her little children. She really does want her children to know that they come first, that she loves being with them, and values her time with them. But this mom is struggling with the temptation to not stay present, to walk away for just a moment and take care of what is coming in from the world. She feels terrible about that.

So she called to tell me her solution. She has decided to turn her computer off every night so that in the morning that big beguiling eye is not winking at her. She has decided to turn her phone off during their family structured learning time. She has decided to be truer to her family and herself. I consider her very brave! My hat is off to her. I think that this is a fortunate family.

This mom has really internalized what Steven Covey so eloquently said, “Don’t get stuck in the thick of thin things.”

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