Winning is FUN!
What great responses to the contest question and we have 8 winners. I knew that I was going to make room for at least five couples but I just loved all the comments and I wanted you all to come and play in my sandbox for a day! So everyone who commented receives a couples ticket to this weekends workshop. Congratulations to each of you. I look forward to meeting you this Saturday and helping you become a Love of Learning Parent.
Thanks to Maribel who was brave enough to give us an example of what happens when we require, even if it is something kids normally like to do. It is so helpful to just observe a child in action and then to find out why they like a thing before we try to “help” them. It is important to see if it is just a one time interest or something that they want to know more about. We need to let the learning be theirs and not get in the way of it. Thanks Maribel!
I loved all of the examples of things that work. Katy was right on. You have to be watching and “seeing” in order to catch what interests your child. One way to do that really well is to learn to be Present. Learn what that means and then make time to do it. I teach that you can learn to be present with just 3 minutes a day. It works!
Suzanne gave a beautiful example of how much children really want our presence. It isn’t always about what they need, what they are doing or even a question they want answered. Many times it is just that they want our presence, they want to know that we have put them on our list and hopefully at the top, if only for a few minutes.
I really appreciated Marie’s comment that being present can be so energizing. “It’s those magical moments that renew and refresh me as a mother that I want to learn how to make more frequent in our lives!” Bonnie said it well. “I want to be more willing to slow down and do things their way and at their pace.”
Every parent who commented, both moms and dads, really were talking about the same thing. How can we really be with our children in ways that invigorate the relationship and bring joy? When we consider education in our home that is one place to start. When relationships are whole and not strained and we focus on the child, then they are in an environment to really love learning.
This weekends workshop is all about this – our being present parents, seeing our children with new eyes and creating an environment conducive to love of learning. I welcome you to join us learn to become a love of learning Parent. We are going to have a BALL!
Click here for details and to register to come and play in my sandbox for a day. You’ll be glad you did!

Join us Saturday June 23 and become a Love of Learning Parent. You'll be glad you did!
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