A workshop to help you enjoy parenting more!

by Mary Ann on October 28, 2011

joyful parenting pictures

The “Not-tiest” Issues of Parenting: How to Overcome Losing Your Temper, Being too Busy for Your Kids, and Just Generally Not Enjoying Parenting!


Guess what? I am having the most amazing training in just two weeks that will knock your socks off.

If you are feeling STUCK in your parenting and are ready to transform, then this training is for you! Here is the TRUTH about being a parent:

• A huge majority of parents have trouble remaining calm
• Families are so busy that quality time means no time
• Many parents suffer from overwhelm
Fathers want to connect to their children but don’t know how
• And for many parents, guilt overrides enjoyment in the experience

That means that you are not enjoying parenting as much as you could. You are stuck in the SWAMP of parenting.

I am very familiar with the SWAMP. Do you know why? I spent 40 years with children in my home. I felt swamped much of the time because of four things:

#1 I didn’t have confidence in my ability to parent
#2 I couldn’t find a way to manage time
#3 I didn’t have any strategies for maintaining my calm
#4 The stories in my head let me know I wasn’t going to succeed

Sound familiar to you? So the first thing I had to do was to put on my big girl shoes, face my own behaviors and then learn some behavior changing strategies for parenting.!

Are you ready to feel confident and enjoy parenting more?

happy dad son pictures

I offer some seriously rock star training and coaching programs for up to $500. For a lot of parents, that is a big GULP.

I get that not everyone has $500 to drop on their personal behaviors, so I have created an option; a $77 all-day workshop to introduce you to some of a parents not-tiest problems and some behavior changing strategies for parents.

I have listened to many-a-training that is, well, pretty fluffy. A lot of trainers are super motivational, and exciting, make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and you leave wanting to take over the world, but you still don’t have a clue what the next step is for you.


I am a motivating speaker; however, what I will be bringing to you in this all-day training is a content-heavy day that can lead you through all kinds of behavior changing processes that you can immediately implement in your life. My students tell me it is like trying to drink from a fire hose. There is a litle bit of “Rah-Rah, you can do it!” thrown in for good measure, but by and large this will be content-intense behavior changing strategy for parents.

picture of mary ann conducting a workshopSo what is included in this all-day workshop you ask? Simple strategies to help you enjoy parenting more:

  • change the stories in your head so you stop self sabotage
  • feel like a $500 an hour parent
  • how to avoid overwhelm
  • take control of your time
  • learn to use the “Chunk clock” created by Jodie Palmer
  • understand what your body language is saying to your children and how to read theirs from body language expert Tam Pendelton
  • stop comparing yourself to others
  • get relief from anger and resentment
  • increase your confidence in your ability to parent well
  • how to know where you have come from and track where you are going
  • how to stop living up to an imagined reality

To learn more and to register for this amazing event visit Parenting training registration

I look Forward to spending the day with you.


Mary Ann





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