Core Cannon – Master Inspire Plan Part 10

by Mary Ann on July 31, 2010

Just a few years before my father died he and my mom compiled a cook book of recipes that had come from the pizza parlor they owned, “The Valley Villa”, which they gave each of  us for Christmas. This is what they had written on the cover: Family recipes from our Pizza Parlor-delicatessen known as “The House of Character Building” but better known as the “Torture Chamber”. It was in this “torture chamber” and others like it that all nine of their children learned the value of work, the necessity of giving a full days work for a full days pay, honesty, the need to do your best and that treating others with consideration was a must in life.

Don and my job in the "Torture Chamber"

My mother taught us to respect the earth and all living things. She loved flowers and to this day people are amazed that I know the names of so many. There is a home in Falls Valley with three tremendous willow trees in the back yard. Those trees started out as switches that my mother cut, put in a bucket of water until they had roots and then stuck in the ground. They are a legacy of her desire to steward and beautify her portion of earth.

My mother, the gardener and animal lover

Charles Gates Cazier and Mary Ann Martin helped settle Star Valley in Wyoming

I come from stalwart pioneer stock, those that crossed the wide oceans and then later crossed the plains. I believe that as parents we have a duty to transfer our hearts to our children. Those pioneers and my parents did a very good job of that.

What are your core cannon? What is in your heart that you want to transfer to your children’s hearts? In Leadership Education the core phase is about transferring heart, transferring core values to your children before they leave your home. “A good Core Phase naturally provides the foundation for a good life, a great Core Phase for a great life . . . ” (DeMille, Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning, 2008, 40).

Today we will consider another part of a good Master Inspire Plan, CORE CANNON. This is a written plan of what the spiritual education in your home will look like and what specific resources you would like to use to accomplish this.

“My mother understood the value of teaching her children about standards, values, and doctrine while they were young. While she was grateful to others who taught her children outside the home at either school or church, she recognized that parents are entrusted with the education of their children…

I used to think some days as I ran home from school that I was through learning for the day, but this illusion was quickly destroyed when I saw my mother standing at the door waiting for me. When we were young, we each had a desk in the kitchen where we could continue to be taught by her as she performed household duties and prepared supper. Times are very different today, but while times may change, a parent’s teaching must never be devalued. Many activities link the values of one generation to the next, but perhaps the most central of these activities is parents teaching children in the home. This is especially true when we consider the teaching of values, moral and ethical standards, and faith.

Parents must bring light and truth into their homes by one family prayer, one scripture study session, one family home evening, one book read aloud, one song, and one family meal at a time. They know that the influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent, daily parenting is among the most powerful and sustaining forces for good in the world. The health of any society, the happiness of its people, their prosperity, and their peace all find common roots in the teaching of children in the home.” L. Tom Perry, “Mothers Teaching Children in the Home,” Liahona, May 2010, 29–31

This section of your plan does not have to be long and difficult to write. Don’t be afraid to put down on paper what you want the core values of your family to be. Don’t be afraid to write down what it feels like to live in your home. Don’t be afraid to write down what kind of people you hope your children will become. This is an area where your  Family Mission Statement will come in handy. In your Mission Statement you have already thought out the values and family culture that you want to pass on to your children.

Although it is a personal subject I am going to show you that section of my plan. I am sharing it here because I want you to see that it doesn’t have to be hard to visualize or to write.

“Don and I have nightly prayer together. We hold hands and talk with Heavenly Father about each of our children and grandchildren. Don and I read the scriptures together each evening and have spiritual discussions often during the week. We attend the temple monthly. I write interesting and faith promoting letters to my grandchildren monthly and we share our testimonies and values with them whenever we have the opportunity. In fact we create opportunities to share. Because of these actions Don and I are very close

Don and I

and feel a more firm love towards each other. We are better able to fulfill our callings and we support one another in service to others. Our grandchildren are growing up happy in the gospel and firm in testimony. They love the Savior and desire to serve him. As Don and my love and faith have grown our adult children have begun to have a greater desire to have families and live the gospel.”

Take some time today to think about your feelings toward your own family. How do you want your family culture to feel? What values do you want your children to experience and live while they are in your home? What kind of character would you hope they develop? How would you like them to experience service to others? What spiritual values would you like to share with them? What do you hold dear in your heart that you can share with them? Write these core values down as a guide to you so that you will make it happen for them.

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Jenny Johnson July 31, 2010 at 7:54 pm

I love my grandmother…and the love of flowers she has passed down to me. I love my mother…and the love of service she has passed down to me. I love my father because he is so darn handsome!!!!!


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