The Lost Da Vincis
I read kid books and young adult books. I freely admit it. I read them because they are fun, easy to understand, often say more than adult books and they are fun. Oh yes, I said that.
When ever I am really stressed, tired, worn out, angry, sad or in need of a really good pick me up I read a young adult book or read a book to a child. Well, the Forum just ended and believe me I was stressed and I needed a good pick me up so I read a young adult book.
It is called the Lost DaVincis. I saw it at my daughters home after the Forum and I borrowed it so I could go home, take a long soak in the tub and read, read, read.
I was probably on chapter three before I noticed that this really good book was written by someone I know, Aneladee Milne and her

Don and Aneladee Milne, authors
husband Don. Wow. I was so surprised and then the book was even better. It was just so fun to read something written by someone I know.
All the time I was reading I was saying to myself, “What would I think if I was eleven?” I decided that if I was eleven I would really like this book and would be waiting with baited breath for the sequel. So what is this book about?
It is about homeschoolers! Yup, a book about those strange, unsocialized, odd people called homeschoolers. Four very delightful and resourceful children lose their parents and have to solve an intriguing mystery to get them back. They have all sorts of experiences with the adults who inhabit their lives.
So here is what I liked best about the book – it has some very funny banter. It would make a perfect read aloud book. I guarantee your children, preteens and I’ll bet teens will be drawn right in by this language and the way in which the story is presented.
I liked the plot and wondered which of the writers is the scientist. I liked that there were some scary parts and some funny parts. I liked all the references to home school dilemmas and what the neighbors had to say. Homeschooled kids will love that about the book.
I checked out their website and one of the comments perfectly outlines my sentiments:
“We want to know when the second book is coming out! Who is Aunt Brenda really? And how are they going to get Uncle Albert back? And what was it like for the lost DaVinci’s when they track shifted? We loved all the homeschool/commonwealth culture references in the story! Thanks for a fun book!”
Yes, thanks Don and Aneladee for a very fun book. I feel rested!
Here are some good books to read to children, or for teens/young adults that I have really enjoyed, and which you will enjoy too.
Good books for children: Baby-Preschool
If You Give a Pig a Party

If you give a pig a party
Good books for children: Ages 4-8
Farmer Boy (Little House)
The Seven Chinese Brothers (Blue Ribbon Book)

Books for children 4-8 years
Good books for children: Ages 9-12
A Wrinkle in Time

Books for children 9-12 years
Good books for young adults/teens:
A Lantern in Her Hand (Puffin Classics)
A White Bird Flying (Bison Book)

Good books young adults and teens

Good books for young adults and teens
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